Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Hollingsworths are wonderful hosts. You are welcome.
Dec. 9th The Formal Christmas Progressive Dinner.
Here is how it works. You sign up. Dress up.(Formalish wear) Everyone meets at the church.
We will divide into groups of 7. As a group you drive to your 1st stop - An appetizer, then you drive to stop #2 - a soup or salad, drive to stop #3 - the main course, drive back to the church where all groups will meet for dessert and fun. All of the stops will be at homes of CF families.
You also need to bring a "white elephant" for the gift exchange.
Everyone must sign up with Diane by Dec. 3rd.
We had 17 students at our Oct. 21st Dodgeball and Dinner event. We will do this again.
Adoption: We have connected 2 students with CF families. More families have indicated an interest in the program. Are there more students who would be interested in a little extra prayer and care?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I Peter
Beginning this Wednesday, Oct. 25th, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
At 1107 Shady Lane, Wheaton (this is less than 1 mile from Fischer Dorm)
Reflect on this:
1. What might God want to teach me through this study?
2. Who might God want me to meet at this study?
3. Who might God want me to encourage at this study?
4. How might God challenge me through this study?
Directions: From the corner of President St. and College Ave
go north on President, go to the 2nd street past Harrison.
Turn right onto E. Prairie, turn right onto Stoddard, turn right again
onto Shady Lane. 1107 is straight ahead at the end of the cul-de-sac.
The Hollingsworth home is a brown and white English Tudor.
Monday, October 16, 2006
CF College Ministry
Hello Students,
Just want to inform you of some stuff we are planning.
1. Dodgeball and Dinner this Saturday, Oct. 21st
6 - 8:30 p.m. at the CF gym
2. A 4 week Bible study on Wednesday evenings, Oct. 25th - Nov. 15th
3. Urbana06 - a student missions convention in St.Louis, Mo Dec. 27 -31
Here are some other events we hope to do:
1. A formal Progressive Dinner on Dec. 2
2. A weekend winter retreat in late Jan.
3. A Superbowl party
4. Another Dodgeball & Dinner in Feb or March
We would like to hear your opinion on these events.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Where my ladies at???
We talked about risking our lives for the sake of Christ and what God could be calling us to risk in. It's important that we distinguish this idea from just our fears and uncertainties. Life is full of them no doubt, but to risk one's life is to know that God is calling us to something that will cost us and could perhaps cause us to suffer, be rejected, be faced with discomfort, etc. In the words of Queen Esther, it is the attitude that "If I perish, I perish."
But what would cause such an attitude to arise? Scripture teaches us (especially in Matthew 13) that it is nothing less than a complete valuing and cherishing of Christ and the kingdom of God. It is to say with the Psalmist, "Your love is better than life." You must see the kingdom as worthy of your life if you're going to risk something for it. Just like you must find that girl of your dreams so completely worth it that you're willing to risk anything to be with her.
I suppose we all know what it means to risk when we find something that is truly worth taking the risk over. It's sad that for many of us we don't even entertain the notion of risk when it comes to the cause of making Christ known.
I wonder how many of us have ever uttered words similar to David Brainerd.
When I really enjoy God, I feel my desires of Him the more insatiable, and my thirstings after holiness the more unquenchable...Oh for holiness! Oh, for more of God in my soul! Oh this pleasing pain! It makes my soul press after God...Oh, that I may feel this continual hunger, and not be retarded, but rather animated by every "cluster from Canaan" - to reach forward in the narrow way, for the full enjoyment and possession of the heavenly inheritance. Oh that I might never loiter in my heavenly journey!
Brainerd died at the age of 29 from tuberculosis. But how he absolutely longed for the things of God. He risked everything and gained everything. May the worth of Christ shine brilliantly in our hearts today.
On another note, thanks to all the ladies who continue to come out faithfully and despite the length of time between gatherings, truly make an effort to engage, fellowship, and participate in each other's lives. As we concluded last night in prayer, it was particularly meaningful to me to hear us praying for one another sincerely. And not only for those who were present, but those who were absent as well. Even though Howard and I were the only guys, I counted it a privilege to be in the company of godly women who love the Lord and are commited to His cause. You ladies put us to shame, and I would have it no other way! You rock!
Monday, July 03, 2006
It's all about...?
You see, for me golf represents comfort, luxury, money, pride, everything that could keep me tied down to this life (and this place) in an unhealthy manner. I'm not saying that golf is inherently sinful, but rather that it is a symbol of the fight that I must wage against the various messages thrown in my direction.
In his book, The Odyssey, Homer describes one particular challenge that Odysseus and his men faced - the Sirens. In his book, the goddess Circe warns the hero of the peril of these creatures.
First you will come to the SirensIt seems that Homer has a great illustration for the Christian life. We are all on our way to eternity. Either everlasting beauty or eternal destruction as C.S. Lewis puts it. The dangerous thing is that the Sirens of our day sing their songs, and I buy into it with reckless abandon. Much to my peril, I miss out on what is truly precious and lasting only to exchange it for Hollister, Titleist, XBOX, sex, BMW, ___________________ (Fill in the blank).
who enchant all who come near them. If any one unwarily draws in too
close and hears the singing of the Sirens, his wife and children
will never welcome him home again, for they sit in a green field and
warble him to death with the sweetness of their song. There is a great
heap of dead men's bones lying all around, with the flesh still
rotting off them. Therefore pass these Sirens by, and stop your
men's ears with wax that none of them may hear; but if you like you
can listen yourself, for you may get the men to bind you as you
stand upright on a cross-piece half way up the mast, and they must
lash the rope's ends to the mast itself, that you may have the
pleasure of listening. If you beg and pray the men to unloose you,
then they must bind you faster.
As we continue to reflect upon what it means to not waste a life, may we recognize the Siren songs that entice us, and may we be bound to the Rock of Ages by the ropes of His unending grace.
Friday, June 23, 2006
CF College Ministry
For those of you just checking out our blog, our next meetings are on July 6, July 20, and August 3 at Diane Sergeant's house. Directions:
Here are directions to my house via parking at Pleasant Hill Community Church (PHCC).
The church is on the south side of the street. Park at the rear of their parking lot and walk across the grass to the second yard (swing set and green yard shed). Enter through the screen porch. We have official permission to park here and walk across the pastor's yard.
If you wish to drive around to the front of our house and park in our driveway or on the street, turn south on
We meet from 7-9 pm. If you have any questions, contact Diane at 665.0495
Apples to Apples...
The adjective: "GLORIOUS"
What do the nouns have in common with the adjective? We learned last night that God is most fully glorified in me when I set my fullest satisfaction in Him. God does EVERYTHING for His glory. His love for me is centered on the desire to glorify Himself through and in me.
How does this work? We were created to glorify God, and when we do the thing we were created to do, we find the fullest satisfaction. God receives the most glory in me when I am fully satisfied by all that He is.
The thought came to me last night as I was driving home that no matter how beautiful and glorious creation might seem, it does not compare to God's glory in the person and work of Jesus Christ. God's glory doesn't get any more glorious than in Jesus. In fact, through Him, for Him, and by Him, all things were created!!! Jesus is the climax of God's glory, the fullest manifestation of everything that is glorious about our God is in Him. He's more than just the sacrificial lamb - the knowledge of the glory of God is in its fullness in the face of Jesus Christ. Try saying that five times fast!
The question that impacted me the most last night was "What makes God glorious?" This is the question that I want to devote my entire life to answering not just intellectually, but also experientially. So how about them apples?